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5 Common Leadership Styles & How To Identify Yours
Every leader has a unique way of leading a team, implementing processes and ideas, and handling problems. So, to help you identify your management style and increase your impact as a manager, I’ve shared five of the most common leadership styles.
5 Ways Parenthood Made Me a Better Professional
When interviewing for jobs, I am the interviewer just as much as I am the interviewee. If I'm going to spend a considerable amount of time away from my children, I want to make sure I am doing work I enjoy with good people.
5 Empowering Masterclasses for Female Entrepreneurs
The life of an entrepreneur isn’t for the feeble and faint of heart. One moment everything can be smooth sailing, then the next, you may be forced to pivot your plans to stay above water. If you’re a new entrepreneur and need some assistance with navigating the ever changing path of a business owner, check out these Masterclasses from these female pioneers.
Finding the Interview & Landing the Job of Your Dreams
If you’re not doing what you love or your current job isn’t a step toward your ultimate career goal, then why are you in the role you are in? If there is one thing I learned during this pandemic it’s that, if it is no longer challenging you or making you happy, it’s time to quit.
5 Quick Tips to Help You Apply for Small Business Grants
Starting a business can be costly — period. But with the number of people who lost their jobs due to the pandemic, there’s never been a better time to start working for yourself. Rather than relying on an employer for a paycheck, many women have started to think about how they can find stability on their own terms.
What I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Business
Running a business takes guts, strong will and a wee bit of insanity. Add being black, female and sole owner of a menswear brand to the mixing pot of challenges and it is easy to be inundated with feelings of defeat.