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Unlocking Relationship Success: How Embracing Your Identity Can Develop a Lasting Connection
In the intricate tapestry of love and companionship, the quest to maintain a sense of identity amidst the dance of togetherness is a timeless pursuit.
4 Ways to Break Free from People-Pleasing Behaviors
People-pleasing is a learned behavior that can stem from childhood trauma, struggling to set boundaries, and the inability to say NO! It can also come from self-esteem issues and the fear of rejection. It’s a behavior that many women learn from a young age due to how society has groomed us.
How to Practice Self-Love by Setting Healthy Boundaries
They say that pain is an effective teacher, and through pain, we are forced to look at the situations and people causing it, ultimately requiring us to alter our decisions. Like most, I have had my fair share of pain, and because of it, I have learned valuable lessons that have helped me create solid and healthy boundaries.