Meet Our May Woman Crush: Brittany Barbee
During this month that celebrates mothers, we want to highlight and praise all single mothers for their hard work and dedication to nurturing, loving, and providing for their children. This month we are recognizing entrepreneur Brittany Barbee. Brittany is a designer, social media expert and mother to a beautiful 5-year- old girl. She is passionate about helping small businesses and is working on multiple creative projects while living a joyful and fulfilling single life. We had the opportunity to get to know more about her passions and how she is navigating life as a single mom.
Tell us About Yourself
I’m the single mother of a very spirited 5-year-old and a lover of all things creative. I live in Phoenix, Az but I’m proud to be from Flint, MI. I love traveling, fashion, brunch, and anything that makes me laugh. I love being girly and I think women are more powerful than most realize. Currently, I am growing my social media management and marketing agency, Barbee Girl Media, and helping small creative business owners grow their businesses.
What do you feel your single season has taught you?
Being single has taught me to be present and to live in the moment. Being single has allowed me to enjoy and get to know myself better. I LOVE that I can be selfish with myself and I know exactly what I’m willing to accept if/when I do get into another relationship.
What passions are you focused on during this season?
My current passions are social media, my daughter, and my businesses. I’m determined to get to a place where I can have total freedom and live life without restrictions. I want the option to travel and work from anywhere in the world.
How do you juggle between Motherhood and being a Business Owner?
Honestly some days I’m not sure how I do it. I just get up and do what needs to be done. I make a lot of lists and I can not function without my Google calendar. The great thing about being a freelancer is that I get to be in charge of my day. I enjoy the flexibility so if I need to get something done at night while she is sleeping then I have that option. I think the key is to know when to ask for help and to sneak in little moments for yourself whenever you can.
What do you think is a common misconception about being Single and how are you changing the narrative?
I think the most common misconception is that if you’re single then you are lonely. Sure sometimes I naturally feel lonely, however, I find that I don't feel that way very often. I honestly don’t really care how anyone else feels about my relationship status because I’m perfectly fine with it. I do the things that I enjoy no matter if I’m with someone or if It’s just me.
What are ways you combat loneliness in this season?
I call up a friend and make plans. I plan a trip or I take on a project. Honestly, I think sometimes you just need to sit with your loneliness and embrace it. One thing I’ve started doing is writing in a gratitude journal. It gives me time to reflect.
How do you respond to negativity from others about your marital status?
I don’t. How someone else feels about me is none of my business. Maybe it’s just something that comes with age. The older I get the less I care about what people have to say about me. I think If I were to respond I would just simply let them know that I’m not lacking when it comes to feeling loved. My daughter is loved and we have the most amazing village of people in our corner. I think marriage can be great, but so can being single. The grass is greener where you water it.
How do you practice Self-love?
I do little things for myself. I enjoy wine so I try a new bottle every week or so. Sometimes I give myself the freedom to do nothing at all. I shut off my phone and ignore the world and relax.
What words of wisdom do you wish to share with other Single Mothers?
Don’t feel like you failed just because you are a single parent. Your happiness is important and that matters the most to your little one. I felt guilty for a long time because I felt like I couldn’t give my daughter the family I thought she deserved. You don’t have to play all the parts either. Just be the best mom you can be and be present. Also, try not to get too lost in being a mom that you forget who you are as a woman. Treat yo self sis!