Meet Our September ‘21 Woman Crush: Maia Brown-St. Aude
This month we are highlighting and celebrating entrepreneur, Maia Brown-St. Aude. Maia is the Creator and Founder of She Talks Movement, a multimedia platform and safe place for women. We connected over social media during the pandemic and I have had the honor to watch her platform grow and I even got to participate in two discussions with her about mental wellness and how to handle burnout as an entrepreneur. She is incredibly hard working and inspires me to continue working toward my goals!
Tell us a little bit about yourself
I am podcast host, speaker, mental health advocate, and brand strategist. I use my platforms to amplify and center the voices of Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities in hopes of affecting global and economic change. I am the creator and founder of She Talks Movement which is a multimedia brand designed to equip women with the tools needed to tell their stories as authentically as possible.
What has your single life taught you?
Where do I even begin? Singleness has taught me so much! I could write a book on the lessons I have learned in this season of my life. However, a few things come to mind, be present, find the things that light you up outside of your friends and family, and seek God in everything you do. It has been a breathtaking experience and, I value it a lot. Like a lot!
What are some of the things that you want to accomplish during this season?
The ambitious overachiever that I am would love to start 2-3 more businesses, solo travel, and move to different countries and states. I am looking for more ways to create freedom, experience new people, places, and things while serving all across the globe and supporting/funding other people's dreams.
How do you deal with the frustrations during this season?
Can I be honest? I go straight to the source (God). I used to dump my problems onto my family and friends in an unhealthy manner. After seeking wisdom, guidance, and counsel from God, I ONLY go to my family and friends if God has instructed me to seek their wisdom and guidance (because He will do that). There is beauty in being supported, guided, and connected to people on and off-screen. I LOVE people and appreciate my family, friends, and Insta Sistas that hold space for me. Sidenote: There is nothing like an Insta Sista who has your back! They are amazing in so many ways I can’t even explain it! Having them in my life has changed drastically! I have taken this time to explore and learn different ways to hear, seek, and speak to Him. I find Him in nature, working out, cooking, listening to worship music, just about anywhere. The moment(s) I am frustrated or overwhelmed, I go to my “prayer closet” (the different places I mentioned previously) and TALK TO & LISTEN TO HIM.
How do you practice self love?
I indulge. The world may be burning down around me, but I promise you I will steam my face, do my skincare routine, turn my favorite show/movie on, eat GOODT, burn a candle, and enjoy the WORD. For me, self-love is TIME just for me. It is feeding my mind, body, and soul with things that I thoroughly love and enjoy BUT…self-love also is GETTING REAL. It is getting honest about why I feel a certain way, why I am not doing my best, etc. I am going through this process of getting super vulnerable with myself and asking tough questions even if they burn or sting. I understand that discomfort is momentary, so I dig deep into that (of course) little by little. I look at self-love this way: Physical Practices + Spiritual/Mental Practices = SELF-LOVE (it’s all about harmony, baby)
How do you handle stress?
Honestly, not well. I can be very impatient (I am working on it) BUT…I have been better at recognizing what has and can stress me out. If I know a person, place, or thing stresses me out, I ask myself WHY then I begin to figure out ways I can reduce or eliminate my reaction towards that stressor(s). The greatest thing I tell myself which makes me chuckle is “mind the business that pays you”(literally and figuratively). I ask myself a few questions, “does this pay me?” (now this is for situations related to business/work), “will/can this affect my peace?”, “will it matter in 5 minutes or 5 years?”. Depending on the answer(s), I will proceed from there. Most of the time, I will walk away because NOTHING is ever that serious. I used to think if things did not go according to plan, then everything was catastrophic. I was so wrong.
What advice would you give single women ?
My advice is GRANT YOURSELF GRACE. Some people may tell you that you should be grateful, how you have it better, etc. (which is valid) BUT…your experience is YOUR experience (which is also valid). If you are not content during this season, grant yourself grace. Be still and sift through those emotions. I will tell you this, don't sulk FOREVER. Allow yourself a period to be unhappy or unsatisfied. Do you want to know why? You are HUMAN. You are NOT always going to be happy! Life is a bunch of ebbs and flows. You never know what lesson(s) you may learn in those moments, seasons, or times. Also, you never know how your experiences may help or serve someone else. Moments where I was the unhappiest or low, I learned so much about myself and others. It has served a greater purpose in my life. Lastly, I want to remind you that YOU ARE ENOUGH no matter what you may be going through. Constantly affirm WHO YOU ALREADY ARE. You are beautiful, worthy, and victorious. Remember that, sis!
Learn more about her here