Meet Our February Woman Crush: Rahiel Gebre
This month we are highlighting Single Girl Club contributing writer, Rahiel Gebre.
Rahiel is a Retail Media Analyst from Washington D.C. She enjoys giving back to people through her passion for fitness and desires to one day open a women's only gym to offer a safe and welcoming space for all women in their health journey. She hopes her determination to achieve big things will inspire other women to demolish societal expectations against women’s potential and accomplish anything their heart’s desire. She was gracious enough to speak with us about her passions and what she is focusing on during her single season.
Tell us About Yourself
My name is Rahiel Gebre and I currently live in Maryland with my beautiful dog. I recently started a new job with a start up company as a Retail Media Analyst. I love that I’ll never have to go back into an office and can be in the comfort of my home doing what I love. When I’m free, I enjoy working out, having brunch with friends, and decorating my new house.
What do you feel your single season has taught you?
My single season has taught me the value of time. It’s important to know who you’re giving your time and energy to and if they are reciprocating the same vibe. I know I’ll never get back those years I’ve wasted with partners I thought valued my time and love, but I know now what I expect and will accept from a partner. Single season has been the best time for me to understand myself more and set standards and boundaries that I won't compromise for a significant other.
What passions are you focused on during this season?
Fitness has always been apart of my life and has become a second nature for me now. I always found power through working out and like to challenge myself to see how strong I am. Although Im in good shape, I want to push myself this time to reach my physique goal of becoming lean. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but my deep love for fitness will make the journey bearable and worth it at the end.
What do you think is a common misconception about being Single and how are you changing the narrative?
Being a female, the biggest misconception surrounding the idea of being single is that we’re asking for too much. Men have shown the bare minimum that society has accepted to be okay which has made it hard for women to expect more. That is why I want all my single women to make a man work for them. Just like a job promotion, a man must put in the time, energy, and effort to earn a chance with a woman. Don’t settle for the bare minimum ladies!
What are ways you combat loneliness in this season?
Combating loneliness has gotten a lot easier for me over the years. Instead of seeing it as a dreadful thing, I chose to make it a time of reflection, growth, and self care for myself. I feel like I never have time to myself because of everything going on in my life. So, to me, loneliness has become a positive opportunity to get back in touch with myself.
How do you respond to negativity from others about your marital status?
Coming from an immigrant family, the conversation of marriage began once I graduated college. As much as I appreciate their encouragement for me to settle down, my stubborn ass has let them know that my martial status is dependent on when I have lived and accomplished everything I want by myself. As cliche as it may sound, you only do live once and I would like to live it by myself before I enjoy it with someone else.
How do you practice Self love?
Practicing self-love to me is learning what makes me happy. Instead of pampering myself, I thrive off exploring new hobbies and getting better at what I use to love. With life, we lose ourselves through all the responsibilities and relationships that we have committed to that part of us tends to get lost in the mist of that. However, through self-love, I’m able to re-gain power for myself by indulging in things that I love to create a state of appreciation for oneself and discover pure happiness. Therefore, every month, I’ve given myself time to either learn something new or improve on something I have put off for so long.
What words of wisdom do you wish to share with other Single Women?
You’re doing great and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. We’re always told that single women, especially when one reaches a certain age, are considered miserable and lonely when in fact, they’re more happy compared to others. So forget what anyone has to say and enjoy yourself and the path you’re on. They’re not living your life, you are!