Meet Our November Woman Crush: Tahira Allen

Tahira and I met through our good friend Khelli a couple of years ago. Not only is she an incredible model but she is also a genuine soul with an incredible business mindset. Her business Naked Face & Body is handcrafted and made from natural ingredients. She is a beautiful representation of divine feminine energy and inspires me to step into my feminine power every time I am in her presence. I am so thrilled to be featuring her as this month’s Woman Crush!

Tell us about yourself!

I am an ambivert & lover of all things beautiful whose’s constantly learning about myself, the world around me & the nonsense in it. A business owner & model who doesn’t know how to tell herself “no” because I love spoiling myself :) A libra, the definition of balanced, I’m a conscious person who loves a good trap song & ratchet moments. 

My friends call me a kitchen witch, well…because I am 

What do you feel your singleness journey has taught you?

It’s definitely taught me to have patience with myself and my journey. To focus on my passions & dreams. To not be so fixated on the future and to be more present. And that I loooooove being by myself.

What do you think is a common misconception about being single?

A common, and in my opinion, most annoying misconception about being single is that single people are lonely.  I am alone but I am NOT lonely, I actual enjoy my own company. To be honest I can’t fathom not wanting to be alone at times.

What inspired you to start your business Naked Face & Body ?

I’ve always been infatuated with obtaining perfect skin and working as a freelance MUA fueled my obsession once I learned about skin care & a proper regimen. I became so consumed by it that I spent hundreds of dollars on skincare product. 

After realizing how much I was spending I decided to make my own product (I love a good DIY) and was encouraged by my aunt to sell my product. 

How do you practice self - love?

I practice self love everyday by putting myself & my happiness first. Sitting in solitude (this goes back to how much I enjoy being alone) spoiling myself (I probably do this too much, but if not me then who?!)  Living a healthy lifestyle & having luxurious self care days. Speaking life over me, meditating & doing things that sparks joy. 

How do you deal with loneliness?

Should I ever feel lonely, which is rare. I count my blessings, the attitude of gratitude really changes my mood (sounds corny and cliche but it’s true.)

If that’s not enough I try meeting up, spending time with or talking to my family & friends. 

What words of wisdom do you wish to share with other Single Women?

Get comfortable being alone, take this time to really get to know you.  I think before getting into a relationship, wether you’re dating to marry or not, you should be whole and selfless. 

Give yourself grace.

Be patient and kind to yourself.

Meagan A. Culberson

Meagan A. Culberson is the Creator and Founder of, a lifestyle brand that advocates for the empowerment of single women. With a degree from The Los Angeles Film School and impressive experience working with renowned brands like Chanel, Clarins, and Lancôme, Meagan has earned a reputation as a skilled professional in her industry. 

She is dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. When she isn't working on Single Girl Club, she organizes convivial events that encourage the establishment of authentic relationships. She has organized successful fundraisers for important organizations such as The Ghetto Film School, Art in Common INC, Single Moms Planet, and Los Angeles City Council Candidate Dulce Vasquez. She resides in the vibrant city of Los Angeles, CA.

Meet Our December Woman Crush: Michal Lehman


Meet Our October Woman Crush: SJ Martins