Meet Our April ‘21 Woman Crush: Suzie Woldeab

Suzie and I use to spend long bus rides together venting about how much we disliked our jobs. We would manifest about the jobs that we wanted and how we desired doing something in the field we went to school for. It wasn't long after we both handed in our resignation letters and finally landed jobs that would open doors for our careers. I have always loved spending time with Suzie and this month we are highlighting her and her journey!

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m a 33 year old, Eritrean-American woman living in LA, working at an advertising agency. Who has mastered the art of DIY (thanks to Pinterest, YouTube, and TikTok), has a slight obsession with horoscopes, and loves to catch a sunset on a rooftop with her friends!

What has your single life taught you?

I’ve learned that my value and happiness is not determined by others and with self care comes self love. Previously, I used to feel like if I was not getting attention from a man maybe I was not good enough or pretty enough and that thought process did a number to my self esteem throughout the years. But through many failed relationships and taking this break for myself I have learned to love myself for who I am, flaws and all. Also, with learning to love myself, I truly learned the difference between self love and self care. Really taking care of myself physically and mentally has helped me to be more kind to myself.

What are some of the things that you want to accomplish during this season?

I want to do more solo trips and events, I can be an introvert when I'm in an unfamiliar place or I don’t have a familiar face around. I really want to be that woman that can go wherever solo and have a blast instead of waiting for schedules to line up with friends and family.

How do you deal with the frustrations during this season?

Honestly, I haven’t been too frustrated during this single season. I was more frustrated in a relationship! I love that I'm learning more about myself and what truly makes me happy. I’m no longer concentrating on what society tells me what is supposed to make ME happy.

How do you practice self love?

I practice self love by being kind to myself. Also, being aware of my negative thoughts and changing my mindframe to think more positively. 

How do you handle stress?

I take A LOT of walks! There’s something about plugging in your headphones, listening to your favorite tunes, and taking in your surroundings that really calms the mind for me.

What advice would you give Single women?

It's better to step into a relationship as a whole. When you have a solid foundation of what you want and what you won't tolerate no one can break you down.

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Meagan A. Culberson

Meagan A. Culberson is the Creator and Founder of, a lifestyle brand that advocates for the empowerment of single women. With a degree from The Los Angeles Film School and impressive experience working with renowned brands like Chanel, Clarins, and Lancôme, Meagan has earned a reputation as a skilled professional in her industry. 

She is dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. When she isn't working on Single Girl Club, she organizes convivial events that encourage the establishment of authentic relationships. She has organized successful fundraisers for important organizations such as The Ghetto Film School, Art in Common INC, Single Moms Planet, and Los Angeles City Council Candidate Dulce Vasquez. She resides in the vibrant city of Los Angeles, CA.

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